Am Montag, 9. Juli 2012, 10:25:27 schrieben Sie:
> Thomas Schäfer <> writes:
> > The modem works at /dev/USB2.

> posted:
> | diag  19d2:0326 MI00\6
> | nema  19d2:0326 MI01\6
> | at-   19d2:0326 MI02\6
> | modem 19d2:0326 MI03\6
> | ndis  19d2:0326 MI04\6
> I am wondering a bit about the "modem" port here.  Is that a second AT
> command interface?  According to your dmesg, it should be ttyUSB3 in
> your setup:

Yes, there are two interfaces (/dev/ttyUSB2 and /dev/ttyUSB3) which answers 
"ok" to "at" and some other at-commands.

The classic serial-ppp-internet-connection works at least with /dev/ttyUSB2

I have to test /dev/ttyUSB3 if only "at" works or the whole ppp-stuff too.

> Please prepare patches for the option and qmi_wwan (after verifying the
> above assumption) drivers.  Yes, I could do so, or someone else could,
> but you've already done most of the work so why not make sure you get
> the proper credit? :-)

I afraid if I create a working patch to a certain version, the version is very 
obsolete. Or you or the maintainers have extra work, because of a lot of 
beginner's mistakes.
My knowledge about c-programming and usb-driver-layouts is at a very low 
What for "proper credit"? 
For adding some IDs?, while you and others wrote the whole driver, maintain 
version for version, find bugs and improve the smallest details?

That are your credits!   (seriously)

If you have time, please send me RFT-patches and the link to the version I 
have to apply them. 

This division of work was not wrong in past. 



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