And it's a logical problem, too: why should the *driver* enforce a
*technical* limit?
That's part of it's purpose.  It permits a manufacturer to make a global
device that operates within local restrictions.

Then the hardware vendor needs to review there practices. If you want to limit the ability of your technology do not include it. I realize that this has become large revenue stream for many company's. What they do not realize is that they have created a Wack-a-Mole situation. Just look at the Digital Satellite TV industry.

Companies used to Produce one logic board and selectively remove certain resistors or ic's to limit the end users ability. The end user could still solder the missing chips etc to by pass but much more difficult. Way I see it is let the companies does as they please as they will bury themselves in the long run.

Now we have hardware ASIC that depend on the most part a (dll in windows) or .ko .o file under linux to provide the entire instruction set. Think Winmodems, Winprinters etc....
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