On Mon, 4 Feb 2008, Alan Nisota wrote:

> Alan Stern wrote:
> > On Mon, 4 Feb 2008, Alan Nisota wrote:
> > 
> >> I am trying to write a usb device driver for an R5000 modified 
> >> set-top-box.  This just adds a USB interface to the decoded signal from 
> >> a satellite STB so you can save whatever is currently being watched on TV.
> >>
> >> I snooped the USB bus in Windows, and am able to upload the firmware and 
> >> communicate with the device just fine on endpoints 01 and 81.  However, 
> >> retrieving the stream requires a high-bandwidth read on 82.  If I do 
> >> this using blocking reads, the device never sends any data back  It 
> >> appears to be waiting for multiple bulk request URBS in the queue.
> > 
> > You have phrased this badly.  This device can't be waiting for multiple 
> > URBs in the queue because it has no way to be aware of individual URBs.  
> > All it knows about are the packets it receives.

> Hmm, that is strange.  I'm at a loss as to why it stalls without 
> returning any data then when I don't queue the packets.

You queue URBs, not packets.  And if you don't queue any URBs, how can 
you expect the device to return any data?

> >>  This 
> >> apparently eliminates my ability to use libusb, so now I need to do the 
> >> same thing in kernel-space.
> > 
> > Not at all.  Even though libusb may not currently support it, the 
> > underlying usbfs ioctl calls allow you to do asynchronous I/O from 
> > userspace.
> But I need to do bulk transfers. UsbSnoop reports bulk requests, and the 
> endpoint type is bulk

usbfs allows you to do asynchronous I/O with bulk transfers.

> > Maybe the device really does try to send packets that are larger than 
> > the maximum allowed limit.  That would explain your problems, 
> > especially if Windows doesn't bother to enforce the limit at all.

> Is there any way for me to see what is actually being sent over the USB 
> bus (rather than what seems to be sent to the driver) in Windows?

Not without special hardware.  You can buy USB bus analyzers, but the 
ones that support monitoring high-speed transfers are pretty expensive 
(i.e., $10,000 and up).

>  It 
> seems that UsbSnoop is reporting what is sent to the driver since I 
> don't see data being packetized like I'd expect.

That's right.

>  I'd think that if the 
> spec isn't followed that USB hubs wouldn't work with the device, and 
> they seem to work fine.  Then again, I know little of USB, so I don't 
> really know what I'm doing here.

Hubs wouldn't be much of a problem.  They just send out whatever 
they receive.

> I've tried virtual-box over linux, but I can't seem to get bulk requests 
> to work at all (even though the control requests work fine), (and no 
> other similar VMs support EHCI that I can find) so I'm not really sure 
> how I can proceed. I guess I can take a crack at analyzing the firmware 
> and see if it is obvious how the FX2 is configured.

What does "lsusb -v" show for this device?  And what do you see in 

As far as I can tell, Linux doesn't try to prevent high-speed devices
from using illegal maxpacket sizes.  ehci-hcd should accept anything up
to 2047 without complaint.

Are you certain that your read length is a multiple of the maxpacket 

Alan Stern

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