On Mon, Feb 04, 2008 at 05:03:37PM +0100, Michael Buesch wrote:
> On Sunday 03 February 2008 01:09:44 Michael Buesch wrote:
> > However, having a razer specific kernel API seems not too good either.
> > Maybe we can do some generic API? But I have no idea how other mice's
> > features look like...
> Ok, well. I thought more about the approach to create a generic
> "advanced" mouse API. And I must say... I really like it. :)
> Let's see which features the razer mouse has.
> LEDs -> These should conveniently be accessed in a standard way
>         through the LED triggers. So you could map some crazy functions
>         to the LEDs. Like your HDD LED, or your mail notification.
>         I really like that. :)

I think we have a LED subsystem already.  Take a look at drivers/leds/

> Scan resolution -> The mouse lets you change the resolution (in DPI)
>                    at which it scans the underground. I think this actually
>                    is not a razer specific feature. Every mouse can easily
>                    implement this. So I think we should have a generic 
> interface
>                    for this. I'd say a sysfs file and a standardized API in 
> the
>                    kernel would be best. So if the mouse does not have this 
> feature,
>                    the sysfs file is simply missing. That's OK and userspace 
> can
>                    easily test that.
> Scan frequency -> The mouse lets you change the frequency (in Hz)
>                   at which it scans the underground. This also is not a razer
>                   specific feature. So a generic sysfs file would be good, 
> too.

I agree, both of these should be standardized, and a simple sysfs file,
with the same units for all devices, should be fine.

> Firmware upload -> Not sure. Do we already have some generic device firmware
>                    update API/subsystem?

Yes, we already have a firmware interface within the kernel, that's been
standard for a number of years now.  See include/linux/firmware.h

> Does that sound reasonable?
> I think we should probably make this all independent of USB and HID.
> So also mice on other buses can use it.

I agree, two of the above already are independant :)


greg k-h
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