There are generic eeprom drivers for Linux which allow you to read
(afaik) and write to many kinds of eeprom; I've only ever used them to
read DDC Monitor information and DRAM information.

If you look at the lm-sensors package there is a group of example
scripts which my be helpful.

On 23/12/2007, Glenn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello list,
>     My searches are proving unsuccessfull. Are there any working tools
> for reading/writing to eeprom on a card, similar to ethtool or tools
> like ath-info? I am looking to change product id for a sierra WAN card.
> (you probably guessed, but its for a bios whitelist workaround) If none
> exist, I will be looking to write one and pointers would be most welcome.
> Cheers
> Glenn
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