On 12/13/18 1:04 PM, Ladvine D Almeida wrote:
> On 13/12/18 7:42 PM, Jens Axboe wrote:
>> On 12/13/18 12:39 PM, Ladvine D Almeida wrote:
>>> Suggest to take a look into the article 
>>> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__lwn.net_Articles_717754&d=DwICaQ&c=DPL6_X_6JkXFx7AXWqB0tg&r=z00zRD9ARrwHpe-XSl1OtUp1uNKGYoXI1G2DhOaDDBI&m=-pGzV3wdSje337vKOYoYB6NgU_DGDmQvfQ9egLDRYNQ&s=c4FXsrwD0BLAjE4UC47R2ngLnx_DP5jiOr0dtZ7tGsw&e=
>>> My real concern is how to achieve it without any modifications to the
>>> bio.(because key slot information has to finally reach the target block
>>> device)
>> Guys, you both need to edit when you reply, wading through 650 lines of
>> text to get to this...
> Jens, Thanks for your reply. I will take care of it next time onwards. :-)
>> You obviously can't modify the bio if you don't own it, but you could
>> clone it and then you have storage in ->bi_private.
> I agree. I can clone the bio in the crypto target and use bi_private.
> But, when i finally submit the bio and it reaches the target block
> device, the information stored in bi_private is lost.

I don't follow, what do you mean it's lost? It's persistent from
bio setup to end_io time.

Jens Axboe

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