Le Wed, 27 Jun 2018 18:48:56 +0000 Dave Carroll <david.carr...@microsemi.com> écrivait:
> Sorry, that comment was incorrect, but I would like to see if the > size is consistent between the kernels. > I just booted the 4.16 from Debian testing, same problem, so this is not an artefact of my custom compilation: aacraid: Host adapter abort request. aacraid: Outstanding commands on (0,0,0,0): aacraid: Host adapter abort request. aacraid: Outstanding commands on (0,0,0,0): aacraid: Host adapter abort request. aacraid: Host adapter reset request. SCSI hang ? The very same adapter connected to the very same disks works perfectly fine with a 4.13 kernel, and not at all with 4.14, 4.15, 4.16. I didn't test 4.17 yet but... -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Emmanuel Florac | Direction technique | Intellique | <eflo...@intellique.com> | +33 1 78 94 84 02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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