On Thu, Mar 1, 2018 at 4:08 PM, Jeremy Cline <jer...@jcline.org> wrote:
> If the read-only flag is true on a SCSI disk, re-reading the partition
> table sets the flag back to false.
> To observe this bug, you can run:
> 1. blockdev --setro /dev/sda
> 2. blockdev --rereadpt /dev/sda
> 3. blockdev --getro /dev/sda
> This commit reads the disk's old state and combines it with the device
> disk-reported state rather than unconditionally marking it as RW.

> -               sdkp->write_prot = ((data.device_specific & 0x80) != 0);
> +               sdkp->write_prot = ((data.device_specific & 0x80) != 0) ||
> +                       disk_ro;

               sdkp->write_prot = (data.device_specific & 0x80) || disk_ro;

will save a line.

With Best Regards,
Andy Shevchenko

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