Hi, Arnd

Thanks for your suggestions, I hope you'll reply again:

发件人: arndbergm...@gmail.com [mailto:arndbergm...@gmail.com] 代表 Arnd Bergmann
发送时间: 2017年9月7日 6:47
收件人: liwei (CM)
抄送: Rob Herring; Mark Rutland; xuwei (O); Catalin Marinas; Will Deacon; Vinayak 
Holikatti; James E.J. Bottomley; Martin K. Petersen; Kevin Hilman; Gregory 
CLEMENT; Thomas Petazzoni; Masahiro Yamada; Riku Voipio; Thierry Reding; 
Krzysztof Kozlowski; Eric Anholt; devicet...@vger.kernel.org; Linux Kernel 
Mailing List; Linux ARM; linux-scsi; Guodong Xu; Fengbaopeng (kevin, Kirin 
Solution Dept)
主题: Re: [PATCH v3 1/5] scsi: ufs: add Hisilicon ufs driver code

On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 10:41 AM, Li Wei <liwei...@huawei.com> wrote:
> +
> +       /* disable lp_reset_n */
> +       ufs_sys_ctrl_set_bits(host, BIT_SYSCTRL_LP_RESET_N, RESET_CTRL_EN);
> +       mdelay(1);
> +
> +       if (gpio_is_valid(host->reset_gpio))
> +               gpio_direction_output(host->reset_gpio, 1);
> +
> +       ufs_sys_ctrl_writel(host, MASK_UFS_DEVICE_RESET | 
> +               UFS_DEVICE_RESET_CTRL);
> +
> +       mdelay(20);

Could those mdelay() be turned into msleep() functions?

I will fix it in patch v4.

> +static int ufs_hisi_get_resource(struct ufs_hisi_host *host) {
> +       struct resource *mem_res;
> +       struct device_node *np = NULL;
> +       struct device *dev = host->hba->dev;
> +       struct platform_device *pdev = to_platform_device(dev);
> +
> +       /* get resource of ufs sys ctrl */
> +       mem_res = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 1);
> +       host->ufs_sys_ctrl = devm_ioremap_resource(dev, mem_res);
> +       if (IS_ERR(host->ufs_sys_ctrl))
> +               return PTR_ERR(host->ufs_sys_ctrl);
> +
> +       np = of_find_compatible_node(NULL, NULL, 
> + "hisilicon,hi3660-crgctrl");

It's generally not a good idea to look up one device by its "compatible"
string. What is the "crgctrl"? Does it have a proper DT binding?
Maybe there should be a driver for it, or you could make it a "syscon"
device and look it up by phandle instead.

ok, crgctrl is our common register, if look up device by its "compatible" is 
not appropriate,
I will add a properties in ufs node, like this:
ufs: ufs@ff3b0000 {
                        compatible = "jedec,ufs-1.1", "hisilicon,hi3660-ufs";
                        /* 0: HCI standard */
                        /* 1: UFS SYS CTRL */
                        reg = <0x0 0xff3b0000 0x0 0x1000>,
                                <0x0 0xff3b1000 0x0 0x1000>;
                        interrupt-parent = <&gic>;
                        interrupts = <GIC_SPI 278 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
                        clocks = <&crg_ctrl HI3660_CLK_GATE_UFSIO_REF>,
                                <&crg_ctrl HI3660_CLK_GATE_UFSPHY_CFG>;
                        clock-names = "clk_ref", "clk_phy";
                        freq-table-hz = <0 0>, <0 0>;
+                       /* offset: 0x84; bit: 12 */
+                       /* offset: 0x84; bit: 7  */
+                       resets = <&crg_rst 0x84 12>,
+                               <&crg_rst 0x84 7>;
+                       reset-names = "rst", "assert";
And find that by, is it OK?
+       host->rst = devm_reset_control_get(dev, "rst");
+       host->assert = devm_reset_control_get(dev, "assert");

> diff --git a/drivers/scsi/ufs/ufs-hisi.h b/drivers/scsi/ufs/ufs-hisi.h 
> new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..52430a2aca90
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/drivers/scsi/ufs/ufs-hisi.h

If the header is only used in one file, you don't need it, just move
the definitions
into the other file.

Currently only one file use ufs-hisi.h, but I think so many definitions are 
defined in a .h file is more clearer, like ufs-qcom.h.
If you think it isn't necessary, I will move it into ufs-hisi.c?


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