On Wed, 28 Jun 2017, 10:37am, Christoph Hellwig wrote:

> sg_reset / SG_SCSI_RESET are designed to escalatae to to the bigger
> hammers if the method isn't implemented or doesn't succeed.
> Use the -N / --no-esc option to disable that.  I wish that behavior had
> been the default from the beginning, but we can't fix that anymore.

Yeah, for a sg_reset prespective that would be the better behavior.  I 
removed the bus_reset handler and used the --no-esc parameter which causes 
sg_reset to behave more reasonably:

# sg_reset -b --no-esc /dev/sdj
sg_reset: reset (for value=0x102) may not be available

Given this I don't have an objection to this patch.

Tested-by: Chad Dupuis <chad.dup...@cavium.com>

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