When setting up an ALUA target port group with an invalid ID the
error message

kstrtoul() returned -22 for tg_pt_gp_id

is displayed, which is not really helpful.
Convert it to something sane.
And while we're at it, join the messages onto a single line.

Signed-by: Hannes Reinecke <h...@suse.com>
 drivers/target/target_core_configfs.c | 8 ++++----
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/target/target_core_configfs.c 
index e8850ae..f62130f 100644
--- a/drivers/target/target_core_configfs.c
+++ b/drivers/target/target_core_configfs.c
@@ -2639,13 +2639,13 @@ static ssize_t target_tg_pt_gp_tg_pt_gp_id_store(struct 
config_item *item,
        ret = kstrtoul(page, 0, &tg_pt_gp_id);
        if (ret < 0) {
-               pr_err("kstrtoul() returned %d for"
-                       " tg_pt_gp_id\n", ret);
+               pr_err("ALUA tg_pt_gp_id: invalid value '%s' for tg_pt_gp_id\n",
+                      page);
                return ret;
        if (tg_pt_gp_id > 0x0000ffff) {
-               pr_err("ALUA tg_pt_gp_id: %lu exceeds maximum:"
-                       " 0x0000ffff\n", tg_pt_gp_id);
+               pr_err("ALUA tg_pt_gp_id: %lu exceeds maximum: 0x0000ffff\n",
+                      tg_pt_gp_id);
                return -EINVAL;

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