On 11/01/17 9:40 AM, "Martin K. Petersen" <martin.peter...@oracle.com>

>>>>>> "Ewan" == Ewan D Milne <emi...@redhat.com> writes:
>Ewan> Randy posted a similar patch back in December but I don't think
>Ewan> there was ever a reply to Christoph's question about why qedi
>Ewan> depends on uio.
>I did queue up Randy's patch to shut up the build warnings. But we're
>still looking for a long term fix or an explanation as to why UIO is
>needed in the first place.

Similar to bnx2i driver, qedi driver also has a dependency over iscsiuio
to provide ARP and DHCP functionality for iscsi offload, and the
communication to the
driver is done via uio interface.



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