On Thu, Nov 03, 2016 at 08:17:51AM -0700, Christoph Hellwig wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 09:38:21AM +0200, Johannes Thumshirn wrote:
> > On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 05:55:11PM +0200, Steffen Maier wrote:
> > > Hm, still behaves for me like I reported for v2:
> > > http://marc.info/?l=linux-scsi&m=147637177902937&w=2
> > 
> > Hi Steffen,
> > 
> > Can you please try the following on top of 2/16?
> How does this fit into the patch we're replying to?

Sorry but I don't quite get you.

If you look at a mixed source assembly listing for fc_host_dispatch() [1] we 
the the offset of 24 from %r12 into %r1 and then the beginning of %r1 into %r2
and crash. So if we now check if  job->request_len is smaller than uint32_t we
know we can't have a messagecode in the request and bail out early, instead of
accessing a possible NULL pointer. At least that's my analysis, feel free to
correct me if I'm wrong.

[1] Listing:
static int fc_bsg_host_dispatch(struct Scsi_Host *shost, struct bsg_job *job)
        struct fc_internal *i = to_fc_internal(shost->transportt);
        struct fc_bsg_request *bsg_request = job->request;
    5d54:       e3 10 c0 18 00 04       lg      %r1,24(%r12)
        struct fc_bsg_reply *bsg_reply = job->reply;
    5d5a:       e3 b0 c0 20 00 04       lg      %r11,32(%r12)
        int cmdlen = sizeof(uint32_t);  /* start with length of msgcode */
        int ret;

        /* check if we really have all the request data needed */
        if (job->request_len < cmdlen) {
    5d60:       a7 c4 00 48             jle     5df0 <fc_bsg_dispatch+0x1f0>
                ret = -ENOMSG;
                goto fail_host_msg;

        /* Validate the host command */
        switch (bsg_request->msgcode) {
    5d64:       58 20 10 00             l       %r2,0(%r1)
    5d68:       c2 2f 80 00 00 03       clfi    %r2,2147483651
    5d6e:       a7 84 00 1a             je      5da2 <fc_bsg_dispatch+0x1a2>
    5d72:       a7 24 00 0a             jh      5d86 <fc_bsg_dispatch+0x186>
    5d76:       c0 19 80 00 00 01       iilf    %r1,2147483649
    5d7c:       ec 21 00 2b a0 77       clrj    %r2,%r1,10,5dd2 
    5d82:       a7 f4 00 3b             j       5df8 <fc_bsg_dispatch+0x1f8>
    5d86:       c0 59 80 00 00 04       iilf    %r5,2147483652
    5d8c:       ec 25 00 0b 80 76       crj     %r2,%r5,8,5da2 
    5d92:       c0 59 80 00 00 ff       iilf    %r5,2147483903
    5d98:       ec 25 00 13 80 76       crj     %r2,%r5,8,5dbe 
    5d9e:       a7 f4 00 2d             j       5df8 <fc_bsg_dispatch+0x1f8>


Johannes Thumshirn                                          Storage
jthumsh...@suse.de                                +49 911 74053 689
SUSE LINUX GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nürnberg
GF: Felix Imendörffer, Jane Smithard, Graham Norton
HRB 21284 (AG Nürnberg)
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