> -----Original Message-----
> From: Elliott, Robert (Persistent Memory) [mailto:elli...@hpe.com]
> Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2016 2:58 AM
> To: Sreekanth Reddy
> Cc: linux-scsi@vger.kernel.org; linux-ker...@vger.kernel.org;
> irqbala...@lists.infradead.org; Kashyap Desai; Sathya Prakash Veerichetty;
> Chaitra Basappa; Suganath Prabu Subramani
> Subject: RE: Observing Softlockup's while running heavy IOs
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Sreekanth Reddy [mailto:sreekanth.re...@broadcom.com]
> > Sent: Friday, August 19, 2016 6:45 AM
> > To: Elliott, Robert (Persistent Memory) <elli...@hpe.com>
> > Subject: Re: Observing Softlockup's while running heavy IOs
> >
> ...
> > Yes I am also observing that all the interrupts are routed to one CPU.
> > But still I observing softlockups (sometime hardlockups) even when I
> > set rq_affinity to 2.

How about below scenario ?  For simplicity. HBA with single MSI-x vector.
(Whenever HBA supports less MSI-x and logical CPUs are more on system, we
can see chance of these issue frequently..)

Assume we have 32 logical CPU  (4 socket, each with 8 logical CPU). CPU-0 is
not participating in IO.
Remaining CPU range from 1 to 31 is submitting IO. In such a scenario
rq_affinity=2 and irqbalance supporting *exact* smp_affinity_hint will not

We may see soft/hard lockup on CPU-0.. Are we going to resolve such issue or
it is very rare to happen on field  ?

> That'll ensure the block layer's completion handling is done there, but
> not your
> driver's interrupt handler (which precedes the block layer completion
> handling).
> > Is their any way to route the interrupts the same CPUs which has
> > submitted the corresponding IOs?
> > or
> > Is their any way/option in the irqbalance/kernel which can route
> > interrupts to CPUs (enabled in affinity_hint) in round robin manner
> > after specific time period.
> Ensure your driver creates one MSIX interrupt per CPU core, uses that
> interrupt
> for all submissions from that core, and reports that it would like that
> interrupt to
> be serviced by that core in /proc/irq/nnn/affinity_hint.
> Even with hyperthreading, this needs to be based on the logical CPU cores,
> not
> just the physical core or the physical socket.
> You can swamp a logical CPU core as easily as a physical CPU core.
> Then, provide an irqbalance policy script that honors the affinity_hint
> for your
> driver, or turn off irqbalance and manually set /proc/irq/nnn/smp_affinity
> to
> match the affinity_hint.
> Some versions of irqbalance honor the hints; some purposely don't and need
> to
> be overridden with a policy script.
> ---
> Robert Elliott, HPE Persistent Memory
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