On Wed, Jun 1, 2016 at 2:41 PM, Tomas Winkler <tomas.wink...@intel.com> wrote:
> Few storage technology such is EMMC, UFS, and NVMe support RPMB
> hardware partition with common protocol and frame layout.
> The RPMB partition cannot be accessed via standard block layer, but
> by a set of specific commands: WRITE, READ, GET_WRITE_COUNTER, and
If the same protocol is used by all these standards, why not export it
directly (including the RESULT_READ command or not even knowing the
command types)? While I would prefer an rpmb specific interface over
the existing raw mmc command interface, all I need is an rpmb
operation that lets me send and receive buffers without interruption.
You can find our exiting user-space code here at
If you use an interface more similar to this, I think your emmc and
ufs specific code would be simpler. Also, if you don't need the
in-kernel interface, the kernel would not need to know the details of
the rpmb protocol at all.

I have not tested your code, but it looks like we would have to modify
the storage proxy to interpret the data it currently passes through
and remove all RESULT_READ packets.

Arve Hjønnevåg
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