Joe ,
 The below mentioned patch is an older patch, verified latest code also
the code before merging(mpt2sas & mpt3sas) didn't find changes of below
patch. So I am searching for the patch which has removed the
functionality/changes of the below patch.

I shall get back to you on this by Monday.


-----Original Message-----
From: Martin K. Petersen []
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2016 8:13 AM
To: Joe Lawrence
Cc: Chaitra Basappa; Sathya Prakash Veerichetty;;; Suganath Prabu Subramani; Calvin Owens
Subject: Re: [PATCH] mpt3sas - remove unused fw_event_work delayed_work

>>>>> "Joe" == Joe Lawrence <> writes:

Joe> Do we know why f1c35e6aea579 "mpt2sas: RESCAN Barrier work is added
Joe> in case of HBA reset" was unneeded for the mpt3 version?  If that
Joe> is interesting, that info could be added to v2 commit message as
Joe> well.


Martin K. Petersen      Oracle Linux Engineering
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