On Wed, Jan 20 2016 at 10:57am -0500,
Martin K. Petersen <martin.peter...@oracle.com> wrote:

> >>>>> "Ewan" == Ewan Milne <emi...@redhat.com> writes:
> Ewan> So I have a report from our test people that the optimal_io_size
> Ewan> sysfs value is now different by a factor of 512 from what it used
> Ewan> to be...
> Yes, just prepared a patch this morning. I messed up sectors vs. bytes.

Would your fix (commit d0eb20a863ba7dc) address this BZ too?

Seems not, I think that BZ may be due to the LBPRZ clause in commit
397737223 ("sd: Make discard granularity match logical block size when 
LBPRZ=1") ?

should be: q->limits.discard_granularity = 1 * logical_block_size;

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