Le Tue, 22 Dec 2015 02:20:31 -0500
Laurence Oberman <oberma...@gmail.com> écrivait:

> I also have access to newer hardware if needed. I have started
> reviewing all of this and will post back to this thread.
> Emmanuel can you summarize what you would like to achieve and we will
> all work on this together.

I'd like to be able to partition LTO media through standard commands,
like "mt mkpartition", mostly to be able to create LTFS tapes without
relying on hard to compile code from IBM/HP/Quantum/Oracle.

Emmanuel Florac     |   Direction technique
                    |   Intellique
                    |   <eflo...@intellique.com>
                    |   +33 1 78 94 84 02
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