On 09/22/2015 09:49 PM, Ewan Milne wrote:
> On Thu, 2015-08-27 at 14:41 +0200, Hannes Reinecke wrote:
>> The current ALUA device_handler has two drawbacks:
>> - We're sending a 'SET TARGET PORT GROUP' command to every LUN,
>>   disregarding the fact that several LUNs might be in a port group
>>   and will be automatically switched whenever _any_ LUN within
>>   that port group receives the command.
>> - Whenever a LUN is in 'transitioning' mode we cannot block I/O
>>   to that LUN, instead the controller has to abort the command.
>>   This leads to increased traffic across the wire and heavy load
>>   on the controller during switchover.
> I'm not sure I understand what this means - why couldn't we block I/O?
> and what does 'heavy load' mean?  Aborting commands is 'heavy load'?
If we're getting a sense code indicating that the LUN is in
transitioning _and_ we're blocking I/O we never ever send down I/Os to
that driver anymore, so we cannot receive any sense codes indicating the
transitioning is done.
At the same time, every I/O we're sending down will be returned by the
storage I/O with a sense code, requiring us to retry the command.
Hence we're constantly retrying I/O.

[ .. ]
>> @@ -811,10 +1088,17 @@ failed:
>>  static void alua_bus_detach(struct scsi_device *sdev)
>>  {
>>      struct alua_dh_data *h = sdev->handler_data;
>> +    struct alua_port_group *pg;
>> -    if (h->pg) {
>> -            kref_put(&h->pg->kref, release_port_group);
>> -            h->pg = NULL;
>> +    spin_lock(&h->pg_lock);
>> +    pg = h->pg;
>> +    rcu_assign_pointer(h->pg, NULL);
>> +    spin_unlock(&h->pg_lock);
>> +    synchronize_rcu();
>> +    if (pg) {
>> +            if (pg->rtpg_sdev)
>> +                    flush_workqueue(pg->work_q);
>> +            kref_put(&pg->kref, release_port_group);
>>      }
>>      sdev->handler_data = NULL;
>>      kfree(h);
> So, you've already had a bit of discussion with Christoph about this,
> the main portion of your ALUA rewrite, and I won't go over all of that,
> except to say that I'd have to agree that having separate work queues
> for the different RTPG/STPG functions and having them manipulate each
> other's flags seems like we'd be better off having just one work
> function that did everything.  Less messy and easier to maintain.
> Also, it seems like wrong ordering of kref_get() vs. scsi_device_get(),
> in alua_rtpg_queue() since they are released as kref_put() then
> scsi_device_put()?
Yeah, I've reworked the reference counting.
And reverted the workqueue handling to use the original model.


Dr. Hannes Reinecke                   zSeries & Storage
h...@suse.de                          +49 911 74053 688
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nürnberg
GF: J. Hawn, J. Guild, F. Imendörffer, HRB 16746 (AG Nürnberg)
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