On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 05:24:13PM -0800, James Bottomley wrote:
> I think this is too much: lots of things in scsi.h have no meaning to
> the user: our internal definition of scsi_lun for instance, internal
> return codes, mid level queue instructions, our internal markers for
> SCSI levels ...
> What you put in this file becomes a contract for userspace.  The rule
> should be don't put anything in unless we want the user to use it (and
> we're willing to stick by it).
> I really think that nothing that isn't already
> in /usr/include/scsi/scsi.h is a great rule to follow and then, if
> necessary, justify why any additional stuff.

I think basically nothing in scsi.h needs to be exposed to userspace,
only the ioctl defintions moved to scsi_ioctl.h earlier should.  While
userspace can use SCSI opcodes and status codes they are not a kernel
ABI, but a protocol defintion.  It isn't really the kernels job
to export those, epecially as protocols evolve with new versions.
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