As explained in my earlier proposal I think we need to move to blk-mq
for the SCSI midlayer quickly, and in a way that keeps all the existing
queueing mechanisms working.  This series shows my current progress towards
this goal.  It works under medium loads for iSCSI and virtio_scsi and I'm
fairly happy with the code structure.  As seen I've tried to push as much
work into the blk-mq core, and refactor the SCSI code so that it can be
used for the old request based path and blk-mq as much as possible.

There are still lots of limits mostly due to the lack of functionality in
blk-mq, and I will try to address these in the blk-mq core mostly.

A git tree is also available at


This work was sponsored by the ION division of Fusion IO.
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