On Thu, 16 Jan 2014, Todd E Brandt wrote:

> > Does this plan sound reasonable to everyone?  Are there important
> > aspects I haven't considered (such as interactions between the SCSI and
> > ATA layers)?
> > 
> > Alan Stern
> > 
> Both approaches employ non-blocking resume of the scsi disks so why don't
> we treat these two patch sets as parts one and two. My patch just spins
> everything up but sets everything to non-blocking, so it will take care
> of the most common use cases. Your patch will then fine-tune that behavior
> to only spin up those disks that are actually needed. I don't think there
> are any serious conflicts between the two patch sets.

Hmmm.  In your 2/2 patch, sd_resume_complete() gets called in atomic
context.  I would need a process context in order to carry out a
runtime resume.  Any suggestions?

Also, I don't understand the point of your 1/2 patch.  If the whole
point of that patch was to carry out the ATA port resume asynchronously
("thus allowing the next device in the pm queue to resume"), doesn't
device_enable_async_suspend() already do that for you?

Alan Stern

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