Nicholas, Answer for the following is below.
<SNIP> There are still some bugs to be resolved. Namely: * Determine how to save 'point-to-point' NVRAM settings across target restart * Figure out why the initiator logs in, but doesn't perform LUN scan on the first login attempt * Determine if it's possible to collapse the name formatting further, by generating $NPIV_WWNN internally * Determine proper NPIV format for EVPD=0x83 SCSI name string Aside from these remaining issues, multiple NPIV ports can be configured on a single physical FC port, and initial I/O appears to be functioning as expected. <SNIP> --- Bullet 1) After additional analysis by the team of the problem, what you have bumped into is a driver design decision and firmware design decision. At the time of the problem, the problem signature did not match with what we saw in house and we forgot to reiterate during code submission that you must follow the step listed in the setup script. The original problem is the driver have not had a chance to get the switch capabilities (i.e. NPIV Support bit). When you attempt to create an NPIV host, NPIV creation failed due to a prelim check of the capability. if (!(ha->switch_cap & FLOGI_MID_SUPPORT)) return VPCERR_NO_FABRIC_SUPP; When we suggested the "qaucli -n <host #> CO 1", that allows you to proceed further. What happened there is a chip reset was happening behind the scene, follow with link up and get the switch capabilities. However, the problem persist on driver unload/load. When reload, you need another nudge to get moving again. Driver design: When you load the driver, it most likely that you've used driver param "qlini_mode=disabled" (i.e. target mode=on) for all physical ports. In this case, qla driver will not "Initialize the firmware" (i.e. not Link up) & will not get the switch capabilities from firmware. The reason for not link up as target port at load time is due to TCM resources are not available yet. If we do linkup as target mode, then remote initiator will start LUN discovery and ends up with time out problem due to TCM not there to handle the commands. Because the link is not up, the switch capability flags is not read (i.e. NPIV creation failed) Firmware design: Qlogic firmware requires the physical port(i.e. Virtual Port 0) to be enabled 1st, before NPIV creation (other VP's). This imply that TCM configuration have to enable the physical port 1st also (echo 1 > enable), before any NPIV creation can happen. This will be the procedure in exercising this feature. Bullet 2) As to why the LUN scan did not happen on the initial login, could be due to the mode the port was told to come up as. Initiator will not scan the lun, if the remote port is also an initiator. We'll keep an eye on this during testing. Please let us know the steps to recreate. Bullet 3) Generating NPIV WWPN id: Qlogic overall strategy for this question is: Qla2xxx driver is a common driver being used by various hardware vendors(HP, IBM, Dell, etc..). Each vendors have a different scheme on how to generate the WWPN value. QLogic's design decision is to push that up to the user app to generate these values rather having QLA2xxx generating it dynamically. Bullet 4) VPD Page 83h, SCSI name string. If you implying to use the WWPN as part of the "SCSI name string", the answer is the same as previous bullet. In this case, the setup up script would have to extract the data from configfs in order to generate the "SCSI name string" Regards, Quinn Tran ________________________________ This message and any attached documents contain information from QLogic Corporation or its wholly-owned subsidiaries that may be confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, you may not read, copy, distribute, or use this information. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail and then delete this message.
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