On 10/21/2013 08:07 AM, vaughan wrote:
On 10/16/2013 02:52 PM, Hannes Reinecke wrote:
But seeing that this approach raises quite some issues I've attached a
different patch. Vaughan, could you test with that, too? Should be
functionally equivalent to the previous one. Cheers, Hannes
Hi Hannes,

We only tested the later patch which returns _TARGET_PRESENT after
parsing sense, it works as expected.

About the cause of this issue, admin said he is configuring a
active-active cluster mode storage. Each node has it own LUN pool and a
set of rule to control which node can access the pool.
LUN7 is owned and can only be able to manipulated by the other node, but
can be seen by this node for a misconfig. So it presents itself in
REPORT_LUN but return NOT_READY when accessed through this node.
Do you still regard this as a misbehave in response to INQUIRY?

Yes. INQUIRY _has_ to succeed. The only exceptions here would be devices in 'Offline' state. But other that that, yes, INQUIRY should never abort with an error, especially for ALUA. ALUA relies on 'report target port groups' and INQUIRY EVPD page 0x83 to identify the target port group state.
So if INQUIRY does _not_ work you cannot figure out the ALUA state,
and by rights you would need to disable ALUA there.


Dr. Hannes Reinecke                   zSeries & Storage
h...@suse.de                          +49 911 74053 688
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nürnberg
GF: J. Hawn, J. Guild, F. Imendörffer, HRB 16746 (AG Nürnberg)
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