On 7/26/2013 7:15 PM, Seungwon Jeon wrote:
Fatal error in OCS(overall command status) field indicates
error conditions which is not covered by UFSHCI.
It means that host cannot define the result of command status
and therefore host may need to check transfer response UPIU's
response and status field.
It was actually found that 'CHECK CONDITION' is stored in status
field of UPIU where OCS is 'FATAL ERROR'.

Signed-off-by: Seungwon Jeon <tgih....@samsung.com>
  drivers/scsi/ufs/ufshcd.c |    3 +--
  1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/scsi/ufs/ufshcd.c b/drivers/scsi/ufs/ufshcd.c
index b743bd6..4cf3a2d 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/ufs/ufshcd.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/ufs/ufshcd.c
@@ -1199,7 +1199,7 @@ ufshcd_transfer_rsp_status(struct ufs_hba *hba, struct 
ufshcd_lrb *lrbp)
switch (ocs) {
        case OCS_SUCCESS:
+       case OCS_FATAL_ERROR:
                /* check if the returned transfer response is valid */
                result = ufshcd_is_valid_req_rsp(lrbp->ucd_rsp_ptr);

I don't see the response UPIU data of the last command response is cleared anywhere in the driver. This means its quite possible that if the current command failed (and if it is using the same tag as the last succeeded command) with the OCS_FATAL_ERROR then response UPIU (pointed by lrbp->ucd_rsp_ptr) content may be still the same as the last one. If we ensure to clear the response UPIU data after every command completion then only we can rely on the response UPIU content in case of fatal errors.

                if (result) {
@@ -1229,7 +1229,6 @@ ufshcd_transfer_rsp_status(struct ufs_hba *hba, struct 
ufshcd_lrb *lrbp)
-       case OCS_FATAL_ERROR:
                result |= DID_ERROR << 16;

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