On 07/03/13 20:57, David Dillow wrote:
And I'm getting the strong sense that the answer to my question about
fast_io_fail_tmo >= 0 when dev_loss_tmo is that we should not allow that
combination, even if it doesn't break the kernel. If it doesn't make
sense, there is no reason to create an opportunity for user confusion.

Let's take a step back. I think we agree that the only combinations of timeout parameters that are useful are those combinations that guarantee that SCSI commands will be finished in a reasonable time and also that allow multipath to detect failed paths. The first requirement comes down to limiting the value fast_io_fail_tmo can be set to. The second requirement means that either reconnect_delay or fast_io_fail_tmo must be set (please note that a reconnect failure changes the state of all involved SCSI devices into SDEV_TRANSPORT_OFFLINE). So how about modifying srp_tmo_valid() as follows:
* Add an argument called "reconnect_delay".
* Add the following code in that function:
    if (reconnect_delay < 0 && fast_io_fail_tmo < 0 && dev_loss_tmo < 0)
        return -EINVAL;

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