Il 23/04/2013 22:07, James Bottomley ha scritto:
> On Tue, 2013-04-23 at 15:41 -0400, Ric Wheeler wrote:
>> For many years, we have used WCE as an indication that a device has a 
>> volatile 
>> write cache (not just a write cache) and used this as a trigger to send down 
>> SYNCHRONIZE_CACHE commands as needed.
>> Some arrays with non-volatile cache seem to have WCE set and simply ignore 
>> the 
>> command.
> I bet they don't; they probably obey the spec.  There's a SYNC_NV bit
> which if unset (which it is in our implementation) means only sync your
> non-NV cache.  For a device with all NV, that equates to nop.

Isn't it the other way round?

SYNC_NV = 0 means "sync all your caches to the medium", and it's what we do.

SYNC_NV = 1 means "sync volatile to non-volatile", and it's what Ric wants.

So we should set SYNC_NV=1 if NV_SUP is set, perhaps only if the medium
is non-removable just to err on the safe side.

Ric, can you check what your arrays set in VPD page 0x86 byte 6 bit 1?


>> Some arrays with non-volatile cache seem to not set WCE.
>> Others arrays with non-volatile cache - our problem arrays - set WCE and do 
>> something horrible and slow when sent the SYNCHRONIZE_CACHE commands.
> These arrays sound to be out of spec, so we should probably just
> blacklist them.
>> Note that for file systems, you can override this behavior by mounting with 
>> our 
>> barriers disabled (mount -o nobarrier .....). There is currently no way do 
>> disable this for anything using the device directly, not through the file 
>> system.
>> Some applications run against block devices - not through a file system - 
>> and 
>> want not to slow to a crawl when they have an array in my problem set.
>> Giving them a hook to ignore WCE seems to be a hack, but one that would 
>> resolve 
>> issues with users who won't want to wait months (years?) for us to convince 
>> the 
>> array vendors.
>> Is this a hook worth doing?
> We already have the ability to set the cache type in sysfs.  It tries to
> do a mode select back to the array, but the USB guys want it for the
> reverse problem (write back cache behind bridge declared as write
> through).
>> Have we hashed this out in the T10 committee?
> SBC-3 contains everything one could wish for about handling devices with
> volatile and NV cache, I thought.
> James
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