On Thu, 2012-09-27 at 13:43 -0400, Martin K. Petersen wrote:
> >>>>> "Li" == Li Zhong <zh...@linux.vnet.ibm.com> writes:
> > @@ -845,8 +844,11 @@ static int scsi_send_eh_cmnd(struct scsi_cmnd *scmd, 
> > unsigned char *cmnd,
> > 
> >     scsi_eh_restore_cmnd(scmd, &ses);
> > 
> >-    if (sdrv && sdrv->eh_action)
> >-            rtn = sdrv->eh_action(scmd, cmnd, cmnd_size, rtn);
> >+    if (scmd->request->cmd_type == REQ_TYPE_FS) {
> >+            struct scsi_driver *sdrv = scsi_cmd_to_driver(scmd);
> >+            if (sdrv->eh_action)
> >+                    rtn = sdrv->eh_action(scmd, cmnd, cmnd_size, rtn);
> >+    }
> > 
> >     return rtn;
> > }
> My only concern is whether our device lifetime rules guarantee that the
> ULD is always attached when we service an error handling command?
Thank you, Martin, for the review. 

I don't know much about scsi, it might take me some more time to have an
answer to the above question. 

For now, if I understand correctly, maybe we could only do the
not-consistent behaviours bug fix?  Or could we provide two versions of
scsi_cmd_to_driver(), one with NULL checking for scsi_send_eh_cmnd(),
one without the checking for scsi_finish_command()? 

Thanks, Zhong

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