On Jan 31, 2008 2:25 PM, Nicholas A. Bellinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Since this particular code is located in a non-data path critical
> section, the kernel vs. user discussion is a wash.  If we are talking
> about data path, yes, the relevance of DD tests in kernel designs are
> suspect :p.  For those IB testers who are interested, perhaps having a
> look with disktest from the Linux Test Project would give a better
> comparision between the two implementations on a RDMA capable fabric
> like IB for best case performance.  I think everyone is interested in
> seeing just how much data path overhead exists between userspace and
> kernel space in typical and heavy workloads, if if this overhead can be
> minimized to make userspace a better option for some of this very
> complex code.

I can run disktest on the same setups I ran dd on. This will take some
time however.

Disktest is new to me -- any hints with regard to suitable
combinations of command line parameters are welcome. The most recent
version I could find on http://ltp.sourceforge.net/ is ltp-20071231.

Bart Van Assche.
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