Subject: [PATCH] scsi: upstream arcmsr-
From: Nick Cheng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*** add arcmsr_enable_eoi_mode()and readl(reg->iop2drv_doorbell_reg) in
arcmsr_handle_hbb_isr() on adapter Type B in case of the doorbell interrupt
clearance is cached
*** add conditional declaration for arcmsr_pci_error_detected() and
*** check if the sg list member number exceeds arcmsr default limit in
*** change the returned value type of arcmsr_build_ccb()from "void" to "int"
returns         FAILED in arcmsr_queue_command()
*** modify arcmsr_drain_donequeue() to ignore unknown command and let kernel
process command timeout. This could handle IO request violating maximum
segments, i.e. Linux XFS over DM-CRYPT. Thanks to Milan Broz's comments
*** fix the release of dma memory for type B in arcmsr_free_ccb_pool()
*** fix the arcmsr_polling_hbb_ccbdone() 
Signed-off-by: Nick Cheng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Attachment: patch4arcmsr
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