On Tue, 16 Oct 2007, Alan Cox wrote:

/dev/sd-ide-b   - second IDE HDD,
/dev/sr-sata-0  - first SATA CD-ROM,

I wouldn't try dividing those by pata v sata. You'll cause all sorts of
problems in the process because of PATA-SATA and SATA-PATA bridges.

if you use a PATA-SATA bridge (IDE drive SATA controller), it would look to the system like a SATA drive and be addressed and enumerated as SATA.

if you use a SATA-PATA bridge (SATA drive, PATA controller), it would look to the system like a PATA drive and be addressed and enumerated as PATA. prior to libata the device would be /dev/hdX, with X depending on how it's cabled and if it's set to master or slave, it wouldn't matter if that device then converts to other things, the system would still know it as an IDE drive.

this works exactly the same way that external encosures that hold SATA or IDE drives, but have SCSI interfaces to the system have always worked so it's what sysadmins will expect.

David Lang
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