Jeff Garzik wrote:
> Greg KH wrote:
>> On Mon, Oct 15, 2007 at 03:36:15AM -0500, Rob Landley wrote:
>>> The point I was trying to make is that it seems to me like it would
>>> be possible to keep the namespace separate here, and thus reduce the
>>> enumeration problems to the point where common cases (like my laptop)
>>> aren't impacted by them during early boot.
>> Proposals on how to do this would be gladly reviewed.
> Agreed.

  - move the networking core's facilities to build the default name of
    an interface into lib/
  - expand it to optionally use base-26 numbering (a...nn...zzz) as
    alternative to decimal numbering
  - let SCSI low-level drivers optionally provide a short constant
    string, resembling its transport name, in the host template or
    transport template
  - let SCSI high-level driver make use of the new naming functions in
    lib/, providing either just "sd", "sr" etc. or "sd-$transport-" as
    name prefix

No patch yet, and alas I'm currently short of spare time.
Stefan Richter
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