On Monday 15 October 2007 4:06:20 am Julian Calaby wrote:
> On 10/15/07, Rob Landley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I note that the eth0 and eth1 names are dynamically assigned on a first
> > come first serve basis (like scsi).  This never causes me a problem
> > because the driver loading order is constant, and once you figure out
> > that eth0 is gigabit and eth1 is the 80211g it _stays_ that way across
> > reboots, reliably. Yeah, it's a heuristic.  Hands up everybody relying on
> > such a heuristic in the real world.
> Umm, not quite, from my experiences with pre-production wireless
> drivers, (another story, another time) fancy stuff is being done in
> udev to make sure that your gigabit card is always assigned to eth0.

I remember building a 2.4 kernel, statically linking in all the drivers, and 
getting the ethernet devices showing up in a reliable order for years.  Where 
does the need for fancy stuff come in?

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