FUJITA Tomonori wrote:
> On Fri, 14 Sep 2007 23:14:21 +0200 (CEST)
> Stefan Richter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> And one more update:
>> There is SAS too,
>> +      You need it
>> +      - for classic parallel SCSI hardware,
>> +      - for newer SCSI transports such as Fibre Channel, FireWire storage,
>> +        SAS, or iSCSI,
> There is SRP too.

I think I'll rewrite it as "for newer SCSI transports such as FireWire
storage."  ;-)

If SRP was in, can 'such as' be omitted?  "for newer SCSI transports
(Fibre Channel, FireWire storage, iSCSI, SAS, SRP),"  Or would be "for
newer SCSI transports such as Fibre Channel, FireWire storage, iSCSI,
SAS, and more," be OK?
Stefan Richter
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