Andi Kleen wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 08, 2007 at 08:30:06PM +0200, Stefan Richter wrote:
>> Andi Kleen wrote:
>>> when you've been using CONFIG_IDE before it is not completely
>>> obvious you need BLK_SD for your hard disk.
>> Switching to different drivers without reading the help text?
>> Tough.
> The individual driver descriptions don't say BLK_SD needs to be selected.

At least the help to CONFIG_ATA says so.

> Besides if all descriptions said that

We certainly don't want (too much) redundancy in help texts.

> the computer could as well
> do it for the user automatically. After all it's a stupid repetive
> task and computers are much better at those than humans.

In your patch, it is not the computer who finds out that the user wants
BLK_SD.  It is you who predetermined that the user wants it.
Stefan Richter
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