On Wednesday 04 April 2007 23:54, Kai Makisara wrote:
> On Wed, 4 Apr 2007, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> > On Wednesday 04 April 2007 20:46, Kai Makisara wrote:
> ...
> > > > >   c. There is a real lack of information about any error condition
> > > > >       (read/write). One can probably get it via direct SCSI 
> > but
> > > > >       why not through an ioctl.
> > > 
> > > This is true. The problem is what and how to tell the user so that the 
> > > solution is satisfactory for a reasonable number of years. The solutions 
> > > have thought about have not passed this test. One alternative is to pass 
> > > the latest sense data to the user but thinking about the different error 
> > > conditions, this is a problematic choice. Here also suggestions from and 
> > > discussion with real users is needed.
> > 
> > Well, you have in front of you a "real" user.
> Yes, you are one of the people I meant with "real users".

OK, I'll address this issue in my "second" description that I mention below.

> >                                               I was thinking about a new 
> > ioctl() that would hopefully be simple, generic, and extensible enough 
> > it might be picked up by all Unixes. This is one case were even if it is a 
> > Linux only solution, I will be really happy. Basically, when I get a -1 
> > return from a read/write and ERRNO=EIO, I would like to be able to call an 
> > ioctl() and get back some basic info about soft errors, hard errors, ...  
> > you don't tell me that a new ioctl() is out of the question, I'll make a 
> > proposal -- it will take me some time to put it together.
> > 
> The general attitude seems to be against new ioctls but I don't want to 
> rule out that. The mt interface already uses ioctls and they solve the 
> serialisation problem nicely in this case.
> Whatever the method of delivery will be, the most difficult question is 
> the contents and format. I don't know any good examples from other 
> systems, so it has to be Linux-specific (and hopefully adopted by others 
> as you say). I will wait with interest for your suggestion.

OK, I don't think that I have the knowledge of the kernel to be able to make a 
specific proposal, but I will do the following (unless someone suggests 

First explain to everyone the pains that were caused with the O_NONBLOCK 
change to opening tape drives.  I don't imagine we will go back to the old 
behavior, but I hope something similar won't happen again, and will propose 
how a slight change in philosophy could have created less chaos.  This I can 
do in the next few days.

Second, I can describe what would be a reasonably complete tape interface from 
the applications programmers point of view (i.e. Bacula), and how I think we 
might get there given your input above -- my basic premise is that there does 
not exist any real Unix tape API, but rather a whole slew of different ioctls 
on different systems, making applications programming difficult.  I think we 
need a real Unix tape API, but not necessarily a lot more ioctls.  This will 
take at least a week (I think).

> ...
> > > > >    e. Apparently only root can do the following (IMO, this is a bug 
> > > > >        programming oversight): 
> > > > > 
> > > > >          struct mtop mt;
> > > > >          mt.mt_op = MTSETDRVBUFFER;
> > > > >          mt.mt_count = MT_ST_CLEARBOOLEANS;
> > > > >          mt.mt_count |= MT_ST_FAST_MTEOM;
> > > > >          ...
> > > > >          ioctl(fd, MIOCTOP, &mt);
> > > > > 
> > > > >       Typically Bacula runs tape daemon as non-root.  Is there a 
> > reason 
> > > > >        why program that has write permission on the device cannot do 
> > this
> > > > >        ioctl() and is it possible to change this?
> > > > > 
> > > This is not a bug or an oversight, it is a design decision. The idea is 
> > > that the system provides the same view of the tape to all users. This 
> > > is defined by the system manager (probably with startup scripts). If 
> > > user can change the behaviour, the next user never knows what to expect. 
> > 
> > Well, I agree that all users should have the same view.  However, when 
> > has the drive open, it has it open exclusively, so no other users can view 
> > the drive. When Bacula opens the drive, it should be able to ensure that 
> > drive, agrees with Bacula's concept of the drive.  When Bacula closes the 
> > drive, I have no problem if the OS resets values to the common view.  
> > if Bacula is running as bacula:disk rather than root:root, it cannot make 
> > above changes, even if the disk group has write access to the drive.
> OK. I have not thought about this properly but one possible solution might
> be something like this:
> - separate the current and permanent behaviour flags; the current flags 
>   define the behaviour
> - the permanent flags are copied into the current flags when the device is
>   opened (or at some other well-defined point)
> - the booleans set with MTSETDRVBUFFER change always the current flags; if
>   the user has CAP_SYS_ADMIN, also the permanent flags are changed
> This would enable anyone to change the behaviour for his/her own purposes 
> but there would still be a stable system-defined behaviour. There already 
> are attributes that have a current and default value like block size.
> I can see several problems in the details of this suggestion but I will 
> think about those. One is that if someone having CAP_SYS_ADMIN wants just 
> a temporary change, it is not possible. A solution would to have a new 
> op code for temporary changes but this would require explicit changes to 
> programs. Comments are welcome.

The above would solve the problem for me.  

Today, when root (or someone having CAP_SYS_ADMIN) does a MTSETDRVBUFFER, 
doesn't it alter the permanent flags? I think we should look at how the other 
flags are set under various permissions and try to get the MTSETDRVBUFFER to 
follow the same rules.  

The basic problem I see with MTSETDRVBUFFER is that it requires CAP_SYS_ADMIN, 
while the other ones (e.g. MTSETBLK) do not (i.e. an inconsistency).  If they 
all work the same and permit changes without CAP_SYS_ADMIN, then the rules 
will be much easier for everyone to understand.

> ...
> > > Strictly speaking MTSETDRVBUFFER does not need root privileges. It needs 
> > > CAP_SYS_ADMIN. (Now I see that the error message is misleading and must 
> > > fixed.) Does using some other capability make your use easier but, at 
> > > time, limit the access to this command to a selected group of users?
> > 
> > Being relatively ignorant of the kernel, I wasn't aware of CAP_SYS_ADMIN.  
> > now have a rough idea of what it is, I am unsure if another capability 
> > resolve the problem, because I'm not familar with how they are set.  
> > 
> Yes, setting the capabilities may be a problem. I don't know how well the 
> different distributions are able to handle these finer-grained rights. 
> A software package has to support ideally all distributions and the common 
> denominator may be to be root for CAP_SYS_ADMIN ;-)

To the best of my knowledge Linux is the only system that requires root; this 
is true at least for the values that Bacula sets.  I've only been adding such 
OS dependent functions for a year or so to attempt to reduce support problems 
(i.e. making Bacula "self-configure" tape drives to a limited extent). 
Requiring root permission to configure the tape drive is for Bacula a 
security problem and thus probably not the best solution.

> > It seems to me that anyone who is the "owner" or in the "group" and has 
> > permission on the device should be able to do MTSETDRVBUFFER.  There is no 
> > need for any "other" who has write permission to have such access. I think 
> > this would allow the sys admin to restrict it appropriately.
> > 
> This would be one solution but it sounds complicated. The primary test for 
> a file is just if there is write access or not. It does not matter if the 
> access right comes as user, group, or other.

Yes, I can see that would be complicated, and probably not possible, but from 
an applications (my) stand point, it seems reasonable.

> > 
> > Thanks for your responses.  I see I have some work to do organizing my 
> > thoughts :-)
> Thanks for your input.
> -- 
> Kai
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