There are four small bug fixes in this:  A set of qla4xxx driver bugs, a
fix for uninitialised variables in sd during initial hotplug, a tape fix
for BUG 7864 and an async scan fix for the "none" scanning type with
RAID devices.

The fix is available here:

The short changelog is:

David C Somayajulu (1):
       qla4xxx: bug fixes

Kai Makisara (1):
       st: A MTIOCTOP/MTWEOF within the early warning will cause the file 
number to be incorrect

Matthew Wilcox (1):
       Fix scsi_add_device() for async scanning

Nagendra Singh Tomar (1):
       sd: udev accessing an uninitialized scsi_disk field results in a crash

and the diffstat:

 qla4xxx/ql4_def.h     |    1 
 qla4xxx/ql4_glbl.h    |    1 
 qla4xxx/ql4_init.c    |   18 +++++++-------
 qla4xxx/ql4_isr.c     |    4 +--
 qla4xxx/ql4_mbx.c     |   35 ++++++++++++++++-----------
 qla4xxx/ql4_os.c      |   64 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 qla4xxx/ql4_version.h |    2 -
 scsi_scan.c           |    6 ++++
 sd.c                  |   20 +++++++--------
 st.c                  |   19 ++++++++------
 10 files changed, 100 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)


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