Hi All,


I didn't follow the thread and progress of the parallel device scan at
FC LLD driver module loading time in the list. I would like to
understand the expected behavior of the parallel scan and


I have a configuration where I have 4 LSI FC ports. When I insmod the
mptfc driver, the insmod process returned very quickly. After the insmod
is finished, only a few scsi-devices are discovered. The 4
scan-work-queue threads keep running to discover the rest of the


I thought the behavior should be

1.      the module init function kicks off the work-threads to do the
2.      the module init waits all the work-thread completing the device
3.      the module init function returns


If the module init returns before work-threads complete device scanning,
does it cause problem in high level of the io stack?







Yanling Qi

Engenio Storage Group - LSI Logic

512-794-3713 (Office)

512-794-3702 (Fax)



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