On Sat, Aug 20, 2005 at 01:23:04PM -0400, Luben Tuikov wrote:
> I don't mind LLDD giving channel and id to SCSI Core.  Not at all.
> What I mind is the _way_ it is done.
> Just consider this (and I'm sure you have the same sentiments):
> slave alloc gives you channel and id and lun/2 to find out
> the device it wants to poke at...  And the really sad part is
> that NO ONE at linux-scsi finds this objectionable.   This should've
> been thrown out 5 years ago (well slave alloc wasn't around then)
> when iSCSI was making its way in, and when people suggested it.
> Sadly it was shot down by the Maintainers and this is what we
> have here today.

->slave_alloc gives you a scsi_device.  With proper transport class
integration that can include lots of transport-specific information.

> Ok, to answer both your and Jeff's email, this is how this all is done:
> Let, (channel, id) tuple be *just another label*!

They pretty much are that as far as the scsi core code is concerned.
Just do a little grep for ->channel and ->id over the scsi core, there's
very few users except printks, and most of those few are in optional
library functions that should move into the SPI transport class one day.

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