Stefan Richter wrote:
Rogério Brito wrote:
On Jul 17 2005, Ben Collins wrote:
That's exactly what we were expecting. The hotplug scripts don't
recognize TYEP_RBC just yet, but that will be resolved soon.
Oh, right. I can test any further changes that you might have, then.
But didn't you add type 14 (RBC disk) and its association with sd_mod
to your distro's scsi.agent script already...?
Yes, I did. I'm using a patched scsi.agent as per your recommendation. I
just thought that, perhaps, Ben had another change in mind.
But if that is all that has to be changed, then, there must be something
incomplete somewhere, because, even though, sd_mod is associated with
type 14 in scsi.agent, I had to load it manually to make it work with
the linux1394 trunk. :-(
Of course, as you may expect, loading sd_mod manually is not the only
way to get the firewire disk working. I have a small USB pen-drive (that
I use for saving critical data) and plugging it automatically loads sd_mod.
If I, then, plug the firewire enclosure, then everything works as
expected (as sd_mod is already loaded).
I am now slightly puzzled. BTW, I'm using Debian testing as my
distribution, just as some extra information.
Thank you very much, Rogério.
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