I wrote:
- As written in the other post, one of my 2.5" disks lets the system
  reboot shortly after the disk was attached.

Maybe the MODE_SENSE response needs to be mangled for this device as if
it was an RBC device. (But remember, my older 2.5" disk says it's
Direct-Access and it worked without MODE_SENSE response conversion.)

No difference with sbp2's former MODE_SENSE conversion put back into

I tested again with all conversions reactivated in sbp2 and with
sdev->use_10_for_rw = 1, sdev->use_10_for_ms = 1 removed from
sbp2scsi_slave_configure again --- i.e. the old pseudo TYPE_DISK
mangling completely reinstated. This prevents the reboot and lets
me access the disk again.

That is, scsi's mid or high level definitely needs protection from
bogus TYPE_DISKs like this one --- in one way or another.
Stefan Richter
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