Dear All,
I am tryuing to set up my SCSI card to use in Mandrake 7.2 box. However,
I am not having success in my task. This card is working well at Win98
having a CD-R attached to it.
Adaptec AHA-150x
I/O range 0140-015F
IRQ 09
I have tried the following when installing the Mandrake 7.2 box
AHA152X1 (1-8i) 0x140,10,7,1,1
AHA152X (1-8i) 0x140,10,7,1,1
After checking the SCSI information tool at Windows98 I realized that my
CDR is under 0 and my SCSI card 7. Then I tried that sort of
AHA152X1 (1-8i) 0x140,9,7,0,0
AHA152X (1-8i) 0x140,9,7,0,0
Some noise is made by the CDR when attempting the last configuration.
But still have a failure to recognise that card.
Any comments are more than welcomed!!!
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