I know my question (about "this should not happen" messages appearing
in the logs followed by a reboot with a QLogic ISP2100 Fibre Channel
SCSI card) was complicated, so I'm not surprised nobody could answer

But I wonder, is the Fibre Channel QLogic driver even being maintained
any more?  I emailed Chris Loveland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, as
http://www.iol.unh.edu/consortiums/fc/linux/qlogic.html seemed to
suggest he was maintaining it, but the email bounced -- user invalid.
I guess he graduated!  Emailing a few other people in the source files
got no response.

Is this one of those times where it's a "Sorry, bub, you have to fix
it yourself" Linux kernel bug?  It's pretty frustrating when a driver
as important as a SCSI card isn't being actively developed any more.

If anyone could let me know *who* to email, I'd be much obliged. So
long as I don't have to learn the internals of the card myself and
patch the damned thing..


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