On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 04:18:27AM +0200, Sebastian Reichel wrote:
> Hi,
> On Mon, May 09, 2016 at 04:07:35PM -0500, Rob Herring wrote:
> > There's already a pwm-led binding that can be used. Though there
> > may be missing consumer IR to LED subsystem support in the kernel.
> > You could list both compatibles, use the rx51 IR driver now, and
> > then move to pwm-led driver in the future.
> Well from a purely HW point of view it's a PWM connected led. The
> usage is completely different though. Usually PWM is used to control
> the LED's brightness via the duty cycle (basic concept: enabling led
> only 50% of time reduces brightness to 50%).
> In the IR led's case the aim is generating a specific serial pattern
> instead. For this task it uses a dmtimer in PWM mode and a second
> one to reconfigure the pwm timer.

In that case, it will probably never be a generic driver.

> I don't know about a good name, but rx51 should be replaced with
> n900 in the compatible string. So maybe "nokia,n900-infrared-diode".

That's fine, but the shorter '-ir' was too.

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