Some more info
On 21-02-15 22:30, Rudy Zijlstra wrote:
Dears (Hans?)
My setup, where the cable operator was using only irdeto, was working
good. Then the cable operator merged with another, and now the
networks are being merged. As a result, the encryption has moved from
irdeto only to simulcyrpt with Irdeto and Nagra.
Current status:
- when i put the CA card in a STB, it works
- when trying to record an encrypted channel from PC, it no longer works.
Recording system has 3 tuners. All equal, all with same permissions on
the smartcard. On cards 0 and 2 does not work, but card 1 does work, on
all channels tested.
I suspect the problem is that the wrong keys are used: Nagra keys in
stead of Irdeto keys.
I do not know whether:
- kernel issue (is simulcrypt supported?)
- API issue (is all support in place to select the right key stream?)
- application issue (does the application allow to set the right CA?)
If this is an application issue, could it be solved by setting the API
outside the application, to direct it to the right (Irdeto in my case)
The application i am using is MythTV.
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