Am 12.08.2014 um 08:25 schrieb
On Wednesday, August 14, 2013 11:14:15 PM UTC+5:30, Thomas Schorpp wrote:
OK, with the patched fex file and devices.c from

[linux-sunxi] [PATCH v2 1/1] [sunxi-boards/a20] Add support for Allwinner 
(DVB/ATSC) Transport Stream Controller(s) (TSC)

[PATCH v2 1/1] [stage/sunxi-3.4] sw_nand: sunxi devices core using wrong MMIO 
region range, overlaps TSC/TSI register base address 0x01c04000

and the driver patches from this topic here

the driver basically loads and inits:

please forgive me if my questions are wrong. I am fairly new to android & 
Allwinner platform.

1. The tscdrv.c code (my linux-sunxi port, too) is (c) AW proprietary, You need 
to contact AW support (+ for a complete TSC Manual).

2. I've suspended my TSC project until a complete A20 TSC manual is available 
or I get the time for register probe rev. engineering.


"Now we are planning to integrate a TV chip with this (DVB-T) . Allwinner has TS 
control block and a sample driver along with it."

Who is "we"?

I don't support Android OS platform, nor do "we" support closed source product 
developers from hidden proprietary products manufacturers
usually not releasing derivated works of GPL'd code back to "us" or the 
android-porting project with their products,
especially not for free. Please refer to the known consultant companies if Your company 
needs "help".

Please, tell Your Boss there's a big difference between "help" and valuable 
expensive engineering project consulting, thank You.
Code maybe free under GPL (only the without warranty version) but consulting 
for it is not, and violating the GPL is breaking the law, worldwide.

This is the second request directly adressed to me off-list from a commercial 
company to work for free for them,
I will drop any further to the JUNK Mail folder without notice.

thanks a lot

thanks A LOT :-//

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