On 08/02/2014 02:02 PM, Bjoern wrote:
On Fr, 2014-08-01 at 08:08 +0300, Georgi Chorbadzhiyski wrote:
On 8/1/14 7:54 AM, Bjoern wrote:
On Do, 2014-07-31 at 09:38 +0200, Ralph Metzler wrote:

It is not like drivers are not available and supported, just
not in the mainline kernel tree.

Right... and I hope that can be changed. I really really like the DD
hardware I have, but always having to rebuild everything with a new
kernel is just not my idea of how hardware should run in 2014 on Linux

I have more than 30 ddbridge dvb-s devices and more than 30 dvb-c/t devices.

The fact that the drivers are not in the main tree is the biggest problem
with these devices. The hardware is great (never had a problem with it)
but having to install experimental media build is just stupid.

When I bought the devices I knew that the driver is not in the main tree
but I really hoped that this would change. Now 3 years later it is still
not the case. That's bullshit.

Come on Digital Devices, you have the drivers, please, pretty please, submit
them upstream, go through the merge process and make us - our clients a
happy bunch.

Like Bjoern said, it's 2014, you have the drivers, keeping them out
of main kernel and having your customers go through hoops to get them
working is not acceptable.

The biggest and most irritating problem for me is having to use external
"experimental" drivers.

And now I'm going ahead to make this situation at least a tiny bit
better, at least I think it will be.

My approach (for the moment):
- Get the normal V4L code via git
- Merge the patches based on Maik Broemme's suggested patches in
November 2013 as well as Oliver Endresse's experimental driver into v4l
- Create any patch files needed
- automate the process so that end-users can simply enter some
"update_v4l" command which would retrieve the updated git code, re-apply
the patches and compile and install them
- Patches would be updated if needed

Doing this would allow us to at least be able to use the normal and
current V4L code and to test it. Especially Georgi could a good resource
here with his 30 devices. Secondly, this may help us get this code into
V4L at some point. And thirdly, any DVB card that is supported in V4L
but not in the experimental drivers will also work of course. So quite a
few "pro" arguments here I guess?

Right now I actually was able to compile the 0.9.10 ddbridge driver on a
3.15.8 kernel using V4L git code :) Took me 8 hours approximately...

And yes, my DD Cine-S2 v6.5 actually reports all 4 DVB-S2 inputs
available AND yes, I also have a picture :D

So now I'll do the jump from 0.9.10 to the latest one available

Once that is done I will give an update here - send me an email and I'll
give you a link where you can get the patches from (unless that's also
allowed here in the ML?). Yes, in the long term I would indeed also
submit them here but I have ZERO knowledge how that is done here...

Most hardest part mainlining all that stuff is absolutely API issues. Designing new APIs is a lot of work. Due to that I decided remove all the problematic stuff in order to proceed.

API related issues:
* DVB modulator API
* some unusual CI stuff
* network streaming
* own device node (I left it as for now as it was there already)
* DVB-C2 API (it is still there, but if it looks hard to specify I will disable it too)

Driver related issues:
* MaxLinear MxL5x, demod + tuner driver needs to be upstreamed
* STMicroelectronics STV0910, demod + tuner driver needed. Should be study if existing kernel drivers could be changed easily to support that chip too, if not upstream drivers. * STMicroelectronics STV0367, kernel has driver already. Device profile needed.


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