Then i guess it will not be supported any time soon .... its been for
sale for almost a year.
Im a stay at home dad, not a developer. The chance of me paying some
one to write code is next to nill ....

Thank you for the response  ....

On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 7:29 AM, Steven Toth <> wrote:
> On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 8:18 PM, Michael Durkin <> wrote:
>> what's the process tree like when its looked at?
>> 1d5c:2000
>> On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 8:44 AM, Steven Toth <> wrote:
>>>> Should i email Hans Verkuil or would he see this already ?
>>>> Fresco Logic FL2000 USB to VGA adapter
>>> He would have seen this already.
> I'm not sure I understand your question but let me take a shot at what
> I think you mean. I think you mean, how does a developer someone go
> about creating a driver for a new product?
> 1. They announce their intensions on the mailing-list (here), just to
> check that no other developer is actively working the same driver.
> This isn't mandatory, but can often avoid cases where multiple people
> are working on the same end-goal.
> 2. Wait a week, anyone interested will likely comment very quickly, if
> they are already working on something. If you get little or no
> feedback then nobody is working in that area.
> 3. Assuming nobody is working on it (as in your case), go ahead and
> start development - or hire someone to engineer the driver on your
> behalf.
> :)
> --
> Steven Toth - Kernel Labs
> +1.646.355.8490
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