OK, I'm not a coder these days but I'll look and see if I can work it out.

Regards and have a good weekend.


On 25 April 2014 19:54, Devin Heitmueller <dheitmuel...@kernellabs.com> wrote:
>> Is the as102 tree ever likely to go mainline?
> The only reason it's in staging is because it doesn't meet the coding
> standards (i.e. whitespace, variable naming, etc).  Somebody needs to
> come along and expend the energy to satisfy the whitespace gods.
> Seems like a fantastically stupid reason to keep a working driver out
> of the mainline, but that's just my opinion.
> Devin
> --
> Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
> http://www.kernellabs.com
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