There are several drx-j code there that are never used, as
they don't even fit into Linux DVB subystem model.

Remove them, in order to simplify the code.

Signed-off-by: Mauro Carvalho Chehab <>
 drivers/media/dvb-frontends/drx39xyj/drx_driver.c | 789 +---------------------
 drivers/media/dvb-frontends/drx39xyj/drx_driver.h |   4 -
 2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 792 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/media/dvb-frontends/drx39xyj/drx_driver.c 
index 94768b16ee92..c144fb7080cf 100644
--- a/drivers/media/dvb-frontends/drx39xyj/drx_driver.c
+++ b/drivers/media/dvb-frontends/drx39xyj/drx_driver.c
@@ -135,719 +135,6 @@ FUNCTIONS
-/*== Channel Scan Functions 
-/* Prototype of default scanning function */
-static int
-scan_function_default(void *scan_context,
-                     enum drx_scan_command scan_command,
-                   struct drx_channel *scan_channel, bool *get_next_channel);
-* \brief Get pointer to scanning function.
-* \param demod:    Pointer to demodulator instance.
-* \return drx_scan_func_t.
-static drx_scan_func_t get_scan_function(struct drx_demod_instance *demod)
-       struct drx_common_attr *common_attr = (struct drx_common_attr *) (NULL);
-       drx_scan_func_t scan_func = (drx_scan_func_t) (NULL);
-       /* get scan function from common attributes */
-       common_attr = (struct drx_common_attr *) demod->my_common_attr;
-       scan_func = common_attr->scan_function;
-       if (scan_func != NULL) {
-               /* return device-specific scan function if it's not NULL */
-               return scan_func;
-       }
-       /* otherwise return default scan function in core driver */
-       return &scan_function_default;
-* \brief Get Context pointer.
-* \param demod:    Pointer to demodulator instance.
-* \param scan_context: Context Pointer.
-* \return drx_scan_func_t.
-static void *get_scan_context(struct drx_demod_instance *demod, void 
-       struct drx_common_attr *common_attr = (struct drx_common_attr *) (NULL);
-       /* get scan function from common attributes */
-       common_attr = (struct drx_common_attr *) demod->my_common_attr;
-       scan_context = common_attr->scan_context;
-       if (scan_context == NULL)
-               scan_context = (void *)demod;
-       return scan_context;
-* \brief Wait for lock while scanning.
-* \param demod:    Pointer to demodulator instance.
-* \param lock_stat: Pointer to bool indicating if end result is lock or not.
-* \return int.
-* \retval 0:    Success
-* \retval -EIO: I2C failure or bsp function failure.
-* Wait until timeout, desired lock or NEVER_LOCK.
-* Assume:
-* - lock function returns : at least DRX_NOT_LOCKED and a lock state
-*   higher than DRX_NOT_LOCKED.
-* - BSP has a clock function to retrieve a millisecond ticker value.
-* - BSP has a sleep function to enable sleep of n millisecond.
-* In case DRX_NEVER_LOCK is returned the poll-wait will be aborted.
-static int scan_wait_for_lock(struct drx_demod_instance *demod, bool 
-       bool done_waiting = false;
-       enum drx_lock_status lock_state = DRX_NOT_LOCKED;
-       enum drx_lock_status desired_lock_state = DRX_NOT_LOCKED;
-       u32 timeout_value = 0;
-       u32 start_time_lock_stage = 0;
-       u32 current_time = 0;
-       u32 timer_value = 0;
-       *is_locked = false;
-       timeout_value = (u32) demod->my_common_attr->scan_demod_lock_timeout;
-       desired_lock_state = demod->my_common_attr->scan_desired_lock;
-       start_time_lock_stage = drxbsp_hst_clock();
-       /* Start polling loop, checking for lock & timeout */
-       while (!done_waiting) {
-               if (drx_ctrl(demod, DRX_CTRL_LOCK_STATUS, &lock_state))
-                       return -EIO;
-               current_time = drxbsp_hst_clock();
-               timer_value = current_time - start_time_lock_stage;
-               if (lock_state >= desired_lock_state) {
-                       *is_locked = true;
-                       done_waiting = true;
-               } else if (lock_state == DRX_NEVER_LOCK) {
-                       done_waiting = true;
-               } else if (timer_value > timeout_value) {
-                       /* lock_state == DRX_NOT_LOCKED  and timeout */
-                       done_waiting = true;
-               } else {
-                       if (drxbsp_hst_sleep(10) != 0)
-                               return -EIO;
-               }
-       }
-       return 0;
-* \brief Determine next frequency to scan.
-* \param demod: Pointer to demodulator instance.
-* \param skip : Minimum frequency step to take.
-* \return int.
-* \retval 0:          Succes.
-* \retval -EINVAL: Invalid frequency plan.
-* Helper function for ctrl_scan_next() function.
-* Compute next frequency & index in frequency plan.
-* Check if scan is ready.
-static int
-scan_prepare_next_scan(struct drx_demod_instance *demod, s32 skip)
-       struct drx_common_attr *common_attr = (struct drx_common_attr *) (NULL);
-       u16 table_index = 0;
-       u16 frequency_plan_size = 0;
-       struct drx_frequency_plan *frequency_plan = (struct drx_frequency_plan 
*) (NULL);
-       s32 next_frequency = 0;
-       s32 tuner_min_frequency = 0;
-       s32 tuner_max_frequency = 0;
-       common_attr = (struct drx_common_attr *) demod->my_common_attr;
-       table_index = common_attr->scan_freq_plan_index;
-       frequency_plan = common_attr->scan_param->frequency_plan;
-       next_frequency = common_attr->scan_next_frequency;
-       tuner_min_frequency = common_attr->tuner_min_freq_rf;
-       tuner_max_frequency = common_attr->tuner_max_freq_rf;
-       do {
-               /* Search next frequency to scan */
-               /* always take at least one step */
-               (common_attr->scan_channels_scanned)++;
-               next_frequency += frequency_plan[table_index].step;
-               skip -= frequency_plan[table_index].step;
-               /* and then as many steps necessary to exceed 'skip'
-                  without exceeding end of the band */
-               while ((skip > 0) &&
-                      (next_frequency <= frequency_plan[table_index].last)) {
-                       (common_attr->scan_channels_scanned)++;
-                       next_frequency += frequency_plan[table_index].step;
-                       skip -= frequency_plan[table_index].step;
-               }
-               /* reset skip, in case we move to the next band later */
-               skip = 0;
-               if (next_frequency > frequency_plan[table_index].last) {
-                       /* reached end of this band */
-                       table_index++;
-                       frequency_plan_size =
-                           common_attr->scan_param->frequency_plan_size;
-                       if (table_index >= frequency_plan_size) {
-                               /* reached end of frequency plan */
-                               common_attr->scan_ready = true;
-                       } else {
-                               next_frequency = 
-                       }
-               }
-               if (next_frequency > (tuner_max_frequency)) {
-                       /* reached end of tuner range */
-                       common_attr->scan_ready = true;
-               }
-       } while ((next_frequency < tuner_min_frequency) &&
-                (!common_attr->scan_ready));
-       /* Store new values */
-       common_attr->scan_freq_plan_index = table_index;
-       common_attr->scan_next_frequency = next_frequency;
-       return 0;
-* \brief Default DTV scanning function.
-* \param demod:          Pointer to demodulator instance.
-* \param scan_command:    Scanning command: INIT, NEXT or STOP.
-* \param scan_channel:    Channel to check: frequency and bandwidth, others 
-* \param get_next_channel: Return true if next frequency is desired at next 
-* \return int.
-* \retval 0:      Channel found, DRX_CTRL_GET_CHANNEL can be used
-*                             to retrieve channel parameters.
-* \retval -EBUSY:    Channel not found (yet).
-* \retval -EIO:   Something went wrong.
-* scan_channel and get_next_channel will be NULL for INIT and STOP.
-static int
-scan_function_default(void *scan_context,
-                     enum drx_scan_command scan_command,
-                   struct drx_channel *scan_channel, bool *get_next_channel)
-       struct drx_demod_instance *demod = scan_context;
-       int status;
-       bool is_locked = false;
-       /* just return OK if not doing "scan next" */
-       if (scan_command != DRX_SCAN_COMMAND_NEXT)
-               return 0;
-       *get_next_channel = false;
-       status = drx_ctrl(demod, DRX_CTRL_SET_CHANNEL, scan_channel);
-       if (status)
-               return status;
-       status = scan_wait_for_lock(demod, &is_locked);
-       if (status)
-               return status;
-       /* done with this channel, move to next one */
-       *get_next_channel = true;
-       if (!is_locked)
-               return -EBUSY;          /* no channel found */
-       /* channel found */
-       return 0;
-* \brief Initialize for channel scan.
-* \param demod:     Pointer to demodulator instance.
-* \param scan_param: Pointer to scan parameters.
-* \return int.
-* \retval 0:          Initialized for scan.
-* \retval -EIO:       No overlap between frequency plan and tuner
-*                              range.
-* \retval -EINVAL: Wrong parameters.
-* This function should be called before starting a complete channel scan.
-* It will prepare everything for a complete channel scan.
-* After calling this function the DRX_CTRL_SCAN_NEXT control function can be
-* used to perform the actual scanning. Scanning will start at the first
-* center frequency of the frequency plan that is within the tuner range.
-static int
-ctrl_scan_init(struct drx_demod_instance *demod, struct drx_scan_param 
-       struct drx_common_attr *common_attr = (struct drx_common_attr *) (NULL);
-       s32 max_tuner_freq = 0;
-       s32 min_tuner_freq = 0;
-       u16 nr_channels_in_plan = 0;
-       u16 i = 0;
-       void *scan_context = NULL;
-       common_attr = (struct drx_common_attr *) demod->my_common_attr;
-       common_attr->scan_active = true;
-       /* invalidate a previous SCAN_INIT */
-       common_attr->scan_param = NULL;
-       common_attr->scan_next_frequency = 0;
-       /* Check parameters */
-       if (((demod->my_tuner == NULL) &&
-            (scan_param->num_tries != 1)) ||
-           (scan_param == NULL) ||
-           (scan_param->num_tries == 0) ||
-           (scan_param->frequency_plan == NULL) ||
-           (scan_param->frequency_plan_size == 0)
-           ) {
-               common_attr->scan_active = false;
-               return -EINVAL;
-       }
-       /* Check frequency plan contents */
-       max_tuner_freq = common_attr->tuner_max_freq_rf;
-       min_tuner_freq = common_attr->tuner_min_freq_rf;
-       for (i = 0; i < (scan_param->frequency_plan_size); i++) {
-               s32 width = 0;
-               s32 step = scan_param->frequency_plan[i].step;
-               s32 first_freq = scan_param->frequency_plan[i].first;
-               s32 last_freq = scan_param->frequency_plan[i].last;
-               s32 min_freq = 0;
-               s32 max_freq = 0;
-               if (step <= 0) {
-                       /* Step must be positive and non-zero */
-                       common_attr->scan_active = false;
-                       return -EINVAL;
-               }
-               if (first_freq > last_freq) {
-                       /* First center frequency is higher than last center 
frequency */
-                       common_attr->scan_active = false;
-                       return -EINVAL;
-               }
-               width = last_freq - first_freq;
-               if ((width % step) != 0) {
-                       /* Difference between last and first center frequency 
is not
-                          an integer number of steps */
-                       common_attr->scan_active = false;
-                       return -EINVAL;
-               }
-               /* Check if frequency plan entry intersects with tuner range */
-               if (last_freq >= min_tuner_freq) {
-                       if (first_freq <= max_tuner_freq) {
-                               if (first_freq >= min_tuner_freq) {
-                                       min_freq = first_freq;
-                               } else {
-                                       s32 n = 0;
-                                       n = (min_tuner_freq - first_freq) / 
-                                       if (((min_tuner_freq - first_freq) % 
step) != 0)
-                                               n++;
-                                       min_freq = first_freq + n * step;
-                               }
-                               if (last_freq <= max_tuner_freq) {
-                                       max_freq = last_freq;
-                               } else {
-                                       s32 n = 0;
-                                       n = (last_freq - max_tuner_freq) / step;
-                                       if (((last_freq - max_tuner_freq) % 
step) != 0)
-                                               n++;
-                                       max_freq = last_freq - n * step;
-                               }
-                       }
-               }
-               /* Keep track of total number of channels within tuner range
-                  in this frequency plan. */
-               if ((min_freq != 0) && (max_freq != 0)) {
-                       nr_channels_in_plan +=
-                           (u16) (((max_freq - min_freq) / step) + 1);
-                       /* Determine first frequency (within tuner range) to 
scan */
-                       if (common_attr->scan_next_frequency == 0) {
-                               common_attr->scan_next_frequency = min_freq;
-                               common_attr->scan_freq_plan_index = i;
-                       }
-               }
-       }                       /* for ( ... ) */
-       if (nr_channels_in_plan == 0) {
-               /* Tuner range and frequency plan ranges do not overlap */
-               common_attr->scan_active = false;
-               return -EIO;
-       }
-       /* Store parameters */
-       common_attr->scan_ready = false;
-       common_attr->scan_max_channels = nr_channels_in_plan;
-       common_attr->scan_channels_scanned = 0;
-       common_attr->scan_param = scan_param;   /* SCAN_NEXT is now allowed */
-       scan_context = get_scan_context(demod, scan_context);
-       /*
-        * FIXME: Should we really ignore the result of the scan function?
-        */
-       (*(get_scan_function(demod)))(scan_context, DRX_SCAN_COMMAND_INIT, 
-       common_attr->scan_active = false;
-       return 0;
-* \brief Stop scanning.
-* \param demod:         Pointer to demodulator instance.
-* \return int.
-* \retval 0:          Scan stopped.
-* \retval -EIO:       Something went wrong.
-* \retval -EINVAL: Wrong parameters.
-static int ctrl_scan_stop(struct drx_demod_instance *demod)
-       int status = -EIO;
-       struct drx_common_attr *common_attr = (struct drx_common_attr *) (NULL);
-       void *scan_context = NULL;
-       common_attr = (struct drx_common_attr *) demod->my_common_attr;
-       common_attr->scan_active = true;
-       if ((common_attr->scan_param == NULL) ||
-           (common_attr->scan_max_channels == 0)) {
-               /* Scan was not running, just return OK */
-               common_attr->scan_active = false;
-               return 0;
-       }
-       /* Call default or device-specific scanning stop function */
-       scan_context = get_scan_context(demod, scan_context);
-       status = (*(get_scan_function(demod)))
-           (scan_context, DRX_SCAN_COMMAND_STOP, NULL, NULL);
-       /* All done, invalidate scan-init */
-       common_attr->scan_param = NULL;
-       common_attr->scan_max_channels = 0;
-       common_attr->scan_active = false;
-       return status;
-* \brief Scan for next channel.
-* \param demod:         Pointer to demodulator instance.
-* \param scan_progress:  Pointer to scan progress.
-* \return int.
-* \retval 0:          Channel found, DRX_CTRL_GET_CHANNEL can be used
-*                              to retrieve channel parameters.
-* \retval -EBUSY:        Tried part of the channels, as specified in
-*                              num_tries field of scan parameters. At least one
-*                              more call to DRX_CTRL_SCAN_NEXT is needed to
-*                              complete scanning.
-* \retval -ERANGE:       Reached end of scan range.
-* \retval -EIO:       Something went wrong.
-* \retval -EINVAL: Wrong parameters. The scan_progress may be NULL.
-* Progress indication will run from 0 upto DRX_SCAN_MAX_PROGRESS during scan.
-static int ctrl_scan_next(struct drx_demod_instance *demod, u16 *scan_progress)
-       struct drx_common_attr *common_attr = (struct drx_common_attr *) (NULL);
-       bool *scan_ready = (bool *)(NULL);
-       u16 max_progress = DRX_SCAN_MAX_PROGRESS;
-       u32 num_tries = 0;
-       u32 i = 0;
-       common_attr = (struct drx_common_attr *) demod->my_common_attr;
-       /* Check scan parameters */
-       if (scan_progress == NULL) {
-               common_attr->scan_active = false;
-               return -EINVAL;
-       }
-       *scan_progress = 0;
-       common_attr->scan_active = true;
-       if ((common_attr->scan_param == NULL) ||
-           (common_attr->scan_max_channels == 0)) {
-               /* ctrl_scan_init() was not called succesfully before 
ctrl_scan_next() */
-               common_attr->scan_active = false;
-               return -EIO;
-       }
-       *scan_progress = (u16) (((common_attr->scan_channels_scanned) *
-                                 ((u32) (max_progress))) /
-                                (common_attr->scan_max_channels));
-       /* Scan */
-       num_tries = common_attr->scan_param->num_tries;
-       scan_ready = &(common_attr->scan_ready);
-       for (i = 0; ((i < num_tries) && (!(*scan_ready))); i++) {
-               struct drx_channel scan_channel = { 0 };
-               int status = -EIO;
-               struct drx_frequency_plan *freq_plan = (struct 
drx_frequency_plan *) (NULL);
-               bool next_channel = false;
-               void *scan_context = NULL;
-               /* Next channel to scan */
-               freq_plan =
-                   &(common_attr->scan_param->
-                     frequency_plan[common_attr->scan_freq_plan_index]);
-               scan_channel.frequency = common_attr->scan_next_frequency;
-               scan_channel.bandwidth = freq_plan->bandwidth;
-               scan_channel.mirror = DRX_MIRROR_AUTO;
-               scan_channel.constellation = DRX_CONSTELLATION_AUTO;
-               scan_channel.hierarchy = DRX_HIERARCHY_AUTO;
-               scan_channel.priority = DRX_PRIORITY_HIGH;
-               scan_channel.coderate = DRX_CODERATE_AUTO;
-               scan_channel.guard = DRX_GUARD_AUTO;
-               scan_channel.fftmode = DRX_FFTMODE_AUTO;
-               scan_channel.classification = DRX_CLASSIFICATION_AUTO;
-               scan_channel.symbolrate = 0;
-               scan_channel.interleavemode = DRX_INTERLEAVEMODE_AUTO;
-               scan_channel.ldpc = DRX_LDPC_AUTO;
-               scan_channel.carrier = DRX_CARRIER_AUTO;
-               scan_channel.framemode = DRX_FRAMEMODE_AUTO;
-               scan_channel.pilot = DRX_PILOT_AUTO;
-               /* Call default or device-specific scanning function */
-               scan_context = get_scan_context(demod, scan_context);
-               status = (*(get_scan_function(demod)))
-                   (scan_context, DRX_SCAN_COMMAND_NEXT, &scan_channel,
-                    &next_channel);
-               /* Proceed to next channel if requested */
-               if (next_channel) {
-                       int next_status = -EIO;
-                       s32 skip = 0;
-                       if (status == 0) {
-                               /* a channel was found, so skip some frequency 
steps */
-                               skip = common_attr->scan_param->skip;
-                       }
-                       next_status = scan_prepare_next_scan(demod, skip);
-                       /* keep track of progress */
-                       *scan_progress =
-                           (u16) (((common_attr->scan_channels_scanned) *
-                                     ((u32) (max_progress))) /
-                                    (common_attr->scan_max_channels));
-                       if (next_status != 0) {
-                               common_attr->scan_active = false;
-                               return next_status;
-                       }
-               }
-               if (status != -EBUSY) {
-                       /* channel found or error */
-                       common_attr->scan_active = false;
-                       return status;
-               }
-       }                       /* for ( i = 0; i < ( ... num_tries); i++) */
-       if ((*scan_ready)) {
-               /* End of scan reached: call stop-scan, ignore any error */
-               ctrl_scan_stop(demod);
-               common_attr->scan_active = false;
-               return -ERANGE;
-       }
-       common_attr->scan_active = false;
-       return -EBUSY;
-#endif /* #ifndef DRX_EXCLUDE_SCAN */
-* \brief Program tuner.
-* \param demod:         Pointer to demodulator instance.
-* \param tunerChannel:  Pointer to tuning parameters.
-* \return int.
-* \retval 0:          Tuner programmed successfully.
-* \retval -EIO:       Something went wrong.
-* \retval -EINVAL: Wrong parameters.
-* tunerChannel passes parameters to program the tuner,
-* but also returns the actual RF and IF frequency from the tuner.
-static int
-ctrl_program_tuner(struct drx_demod_instance *demod, struct drx_channel 
-       struct drx_common_attr *common_attr = (struct drx_common_attr *) (NULL);
-       enum drx_standard standard = DRX_STANDARD_UNKNOWN;
-       u32 tuner_mode = 0;
-       int status = -EIO;
-       s32 if_frequency = 0;
-       bool tuner_slow_mode = false;
-       /* can't tune without a tuner */
-       if (demod->my_tuner == NULL)
-               return -EINVAL;
-       common_attr = demod->my_common_attr;
-       /* select analog or digital tuner mode based on current standard */
-       if (drx_ctrl(demod, DRX_CTRL_GET_STANDARD, &standard))
-               return -EIO;
-       if (DRX_ISATVSTD(standard))
-               tuner_mode |= TUNER_MODE_ANALOG;
-       else
-               tuner_mode |= TUNER_MODE_DIGITAL; /* also for unknown standard 
-       /* select tuner bandwidth */
-       switch (channel->bandwidth) {
-       case DRX_BANDWIDTH_6MHZ:
-               tuner_mode |= TUNER_MODE_6MHZ;
-               break;
-       case DRX_BANDWIDTH_7MHZ:
-               tuner_mode |= TUNER_MODE_7MHZ;
-               break;
-       case DRX_BANDWIDTH_8MHZ:
-               tuner_mode |= TUNER_MODE_8MHZ;
-               break;
-       default:                /* note: also for unknown bandwidth */
-               return -EINVAL;
-       }
-       tuner_slow_mode = DRX_ATTR_TUNERSLOWMODE(demod);
-       /* select fast (switch) or slow (lock) tuner mode */
-       if (tuner_slow_mode)
-               tuner_mode |= TUNER_MODE_LOCK;
-       else
-               tuner_mode |= TUNER_MODE_SWITCH;
-       if (common_attr->tuner_port_nr == 1) {
-               bool bridge_closed = true;
-               int status_bridge = -EIO;
-               status_bridge = drx_ctrl(demod, DRX_CTRL_I2C_BRIDGE,
-                                        &bridge_closed);
-               if (status_bridge)
-                       return status_bridge;
-       }
-       status = drxbsp_tuner_set_frequency(demod->my_tuner,
-                                           tuner_mode, channel->frequency);
-       /* attempt restoring bridge before checking status of set_frequency */
-       if (common_attr->tuner_port_nr == 1) {
-               bool bridge_closed = false;
-               int status_bridge = -EIO;
-               status_bridge =
-                   drx_ctrl(demod, DRX_CTRL_I2C_BRIDGE, &bridge_closed);
-               if (status_bridge)
-                       return status_bridge;
-       }
-       /* now check status of drxbsp_tuner_set_frequency */
-       if (status)
-               return status;
-       /* get actual RF and IF frequencies from tuner */
-       status = drxbsp_tuner_get_frequency(demod->my_tuner,
-                                          tuner_mode,
-                                          &(channel->frequency),
-                                          &(if_frequency));
-       if (status)
-               return status;
-       /* update common attributes with information available from this 
-          TODO: check if this is required and safe */
-       DRX_ATTR_INTERMEDIATEFREQ(demod) = if_frequency;
-       return 0;
-* \brief function to do a register dump.
-* \param demod:            Pointer to demodulator instance.
-* \param registers:        Registers to dump.
-* \return int.
-* \retval 0:          Dump executed successfully.
-* \retval -EIO:       Something went wrong.
-* \retval -EINVAL: Wrong parameters.
-static int ctrl_dump_registers(struct drx_demod_instance *demod,
-                             struct drx_reg_dump *registers)
-       u16 i = 0;
-       if (registers == NULL)
-               return -EINVAL;         /* registers not supplied */
-       /* start dumping registers */
-       while (registers[i].address) {
-               int status = -EIO;
-               u16 value = 0;
-               u32 data = 0;
-               status = 
-                                                       registers[i].address,
-                                                       &value, 0);
-               data = (u32) value;
-               /*
-                * On error: no breakouts;
-                *   depending on device ID, some HW blocks might not be 
-                */
-               if (status)
-                       data |= ((u32) status) << 16;
-               registers[i].data = data;
-               i++;
-       }
-       /* all done, all OK (any errors are saved inside data) */
-       return 0;
 /*===Microcode related 
@@ -1281,39 +568,6 @@ ctrl_version(struct drx_demod_instance *demod, struct 
drx_version_list **version
-* \brief This function is obsolete.
-* \param demods: Don't care, parameter is ignored.
-* \return int Return status.
-* \retval 0: Initialization completed.
-* This function is obsolete, prototype available for backward compatability.
-int drx_init(struct drx_demod_instance *demods[])
-       return 0;
-* \brief This function is obsolete.
-* \return int Return status.
-* \retval 0: Terminated driver successful.
-* This function is obsolete, prototype available for backward compatability.
-int drx_term(void)
-       return 0;
 * \brief Open a demodulator instance.
 * \param demod: A pointer to a demodulator instance.
 * \return int Return status.
@@ -1469,50 +723,9 @@ drx_ctrl(struct drx_demod_instance *demod, u32 ctrl, void 
-        /*===================================================================*/
-               case DRX_CTRL_SCAN_INIT:
-                       {
-                               return ctrl_scan_init(demod,
-                                                   (struct drx_scan_param *) 
-                       }
-                       break;
-        /*===================================================================*/
-               case DRX_CTRL_SCAN_NEXT:
-                       {
-                               return ctrl_scan_next(demod, (u16 *)ctrl_data);
-                       }
-                       break;
-        /*===================================================================*/
-               case DRX_CTRL_SCAN_STOP:
-                       {
-                               return ctrl_scan_stop(demod);
-                       }
-                       break;
-#endif /* #ifndef DRX_EXCLUDE_SCAN */
-        /*===================================================================*/
-               case DRX_CTRL_PROGRAM_TUNER:
-                       {
-                               return ctrl_program_tuner(demod,
-                                                       (struct drx_channel *)
-                                                       ctrl_data);
-                       }
-                       break;
-        /*===================================================================*/
-               case DRX_CTRL_DUMP_REGISTERS:
-                       {
-                               return ctrl_dump_registers(demod,
-                                                        (struct drx_reg_dump *)
-                                                        ctrl_data);
-                       }
-                       break;
+                       pr_err("control %d not supported\n", ctrl);
                        return -ENOTSUPP;
        } else {
diff --git a/drivers/media/dvb-frontends/drx39xyj/drx_driver.h 
index 1696e0d95657..343ae519b5dc 100644
--- a/drivers/media/dvb-frontends/drx39xyj/drx_driver.h
+++ b/drivers/media/dvb-frontends/drx39xyj/drx_driver.h
@@ -2464,10 +2464,6 @@ Access macros
-       int drx_init(struct drx_demod_instance *demods[]);
-       int drx_term(void);
        int drx_open(struct drx_demod_instance *demod);
        int drx_close(struct drx_demod_instance *demod);

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